The Best Small Business Blogs in 2019

The Best Small Business Blogs in 2019

7 Top Blogs for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners to Learn From

It’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs and small business owners to feel alone as they work to grow their companies. Working alone, whether it’s from home or the local coffee shop, can add another layer of isolation. You don’t always have someone to turn to when you have a quick question or want some extra help brainstorming solutions.

Fortunately, online blogs run by successful entrepreneurs can help you grow your business and provide a sense of community. But, with so many small business blogs to browse, which ones should you read first? 

These are 7 of the best business blogs around. Read them to learn about starting and growing a business, marketing a business, and so much more. 

1. Shopify’s Blog

Entrepreneurs who sell things online can learn a great deal from the Shopify blog. You’ll find articles on a dizzying array of topics that range from dropshipping, design, inventory management, product photography, and everything else you need to know about running a thriving ecommerce company.

2. Social Triggers

If you want to learn how to grow your business and attract new customers in a crowded marketplace, this is the blog you need.

Derek Halpern is a successful entrepreneur and an expert at online marketing. His approach fuses parts data-driven marketing insights, like conversation rates and academic research, with proven content marketing strategies. 

3. Octane Blog

The Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), a global business network with more 12,000 entrepreneurs, runs this blog. You’ll find business advice, tips, and tales from small business owners, experts, and bloggers. It’s a great resource for anyone who wants a well-rounded look into the world of entrepreneurship.

4. Mixergy

Andrew Warner has experienced incredible success in the startup industry, and Mixergy is the blog he founded to share what he’s learned. Unlike traditional blogs, the Mixergy site is full of interviews and courses from other successful entrepreneurs. Think of the interviewees as your own personal business mentors who want to see your business succeed. The site also has paid courses, but the free information is high quality and valuable.

5. Moz Blog

SEO might sound like something that only digital marketers care about, but it can be an important business-building tool. If you want people to find your business online, you need to understand how people search for products, services, and information on the internet. With that in mind, Moz the blog to read to learn about search engine optimization (SEO)

6. Fast Company

More than a simple blog, Fast Company offers it’s small business owner readers an engaging mix of news, advice, and opinion pieces that will get you thinking. There’s also a heavy emphasis on lifestyle pieces, with information you can use to achieve a healthier work/life balance.

7. Women 2.0

Women who work in technology will find the Women 2.0 blog to be engaging and informative. There’s a large emphasis on gender equality and inclusion in the tech industry, and readers will find resources on career growth and business growth.

This blog isn’t just for women, either — it’s also for any business owner who wants to foster a more diverse and inclusive environment that supports the advancement of women and other underrepresented groups.