How a Virtual Assistant Can Streamline Day-to-Day Business Operations

How a Virtual Assistant Can Streamline Day-to-Day Business Operations


How a Virtual Assistant Can Fuel Business Growth 

Just about every small business owner would prefer to focus his or her talents on important projects that spur growth. Unfortunately, most spend way too much time working on tedious, day-to-day operational duties. If you'd like to unchain yourself from time-sucking tasks, learn how a virtual assistant can help. 

Creating More Time 

Most entrepreneurs work overtime to keep their business trajectories pointed upward. In many instances, this comes at great personal sacrifice. According to a study by the American Express OPEN Small Business Growth Pulse, 89 percent of small business owners say they invest a substantial amount of their personal time into growing their companies. These same professionals also indicated frustration over how they used those extra hours, with six in ten saying they'd much rather use their limited time striving for growth instead of having to manage all the fine details within their businesses. 

More Hands on Deck 

It doesn't take a genius to see that entrepreneurs are better off using their unique talents on priority tasks. To accomplish this, many businesses invest in more talent to tackle lower-level duties. 

For smaller enterprises, this type of investment isn't always realistic. In addition to costly salaries, there are expenses related to finding and hiring the right candidates. According to a study by Monster Worldwide, Inc., the average small business owner spends about $1,872 to hiring someone new. What's more, since the entire process typically takes at least four months, the small business owner is forced to spend even more time away from projects that fuel growth. 

To meet the need for skilled support, more and more small business owners are turning to trained virtual assistants who have versatile skill sets for a wide range of duties. 

Tapping Affordable Talent 

By allowing entrepreneurs to focus the bulk of their hours on upper-level duties, virtual assistants indirectly fuel growth. At the same time, they can also have a direct impact on a company's success by streamlining operational efficiencies. 

Whether they are scheduling meetings, communicating with clients, performing market research or focusing on unique organizational responsibilities, these professionals help small businesses perform like larger enterprises. In the right circumstances, virtual assistants also function as a part of a collective unit that's trained to work cohesively on a company's behalf. This means constant, uninterrupted service without any missed time due to sick days, doctors appointments or vacations. 

This constant availability also allows the specialized virtual assistant to seamlessly re-prioritize responsibilities in dynamic circumstances. With a few simple directives, a small business owner can adjust the assistant's schedule, comfortable in the knowledge that the professional has a clear understanding of the company's unique needs.

A Smoother, More Successful Operation 

Whether they need to brainstorm for the future or seize fleeting opportunities, small business owners require the freedom to work as they please. When they get bogged down in daily operational duties, however, growth inevitably stalls. With support from skilled virtual assistants, entrepreneurs are able to tailor their schedules to focus on long-term goals. They also enjoy smoother day-to-day operations that optimize productivity and eliminate needless waste. 

Intelligent Office offers innovative business solutions for busy entrepreneurs. Contact our office to learn how our highly trained virtual assistants can help you meet your unique business challenges.