5 Reasons Joining a Coworking Space Was My Best Business Investment: Real Estate Agents

5 Reasons Joining a Coworking Space Was My Best Business Investment: Real Estate Agents


The Benefits of Coworking for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents around the country have learned about the value of joining coworking spaces. They’re the perfect solution for agents on the go, but it can be tricky to visualize and quantify the value you might receive.

If you’re a real estate agent who’s thought about joining a coworking space, keep reading! We’ve spoken with real estate agents like you, and here are 5 real-life reasons why joining a coworking space was a great business investment.

1. “I’m usually on the go, so it doesn’t make much sense for me to have a traditional office lease. But, coworking makes it easy for me to pop by the office whenever I need.”

Many real estate agents don’t spend much time in their offices. They’re showing homes, hosting open houses, networking with clients, and everything else that goes into buying and selling homes. Coworking spaces are the perfect solution for agents who want a workspace with tons of flexibility.

2. “Based on the value I get, the monthly cost of a coworking membership more than pays for itself.”

Leasing a traditional office is expensive. Joining a coworking space isn’t. Agents who choose to cowork can enjoy flexible membership terms that are surprisingly affordable.

3. “I’ve been able to grow my business, because I’m surrounded by talented professionals in other fields.”

A real estate agent’s to-do list is seemingly endless, especially when you take things like marketing, content creation, graphic design, and other specialities into consideration. You know that you need to stand out, but who has the time to gain expertise in all of these areas?

Signing up for a coworking membership means you’ll be working alongside other professionals across a vast array of industries. This includes people who provide the exact services you might need, like online marketing help or web design.

4. “When I first joined a coworking space I had no idea about virtual assistant services. Now that I know about them and have access to them, running my business is so much easier.”

Speaking of that lengthy to-do list, different coworking spaces offer different services to their members. At Intelligent Office, we have virtual assistants (we call ours Intelligent Assistants). Their services are completely customized and they’re proficient in everything from customer service to appointment scheduling to marketing.

If there’s an area in your business where you’ve been struggling, virtual assistants can provide the exact type of support you need.

5. “My client roster actually grew once I joined a coworking space.”

Real estate is all about networking, and coworking spaces provide a place where you can do just that. The best part? It tends to happen organically as you get to know the people you’re working around. When you develop relationships with your fellow coworkers, you’re also expanding your own sphere of influence.