16 Simple Professional Habits to Boost Your Career

16 Simple Professional Habits to Boost Your Career


Whether you're an entry-level worker or senior management, your daily routines have a substantial impact on your performance. 

If you'd like to clear a path toward success, learn the most effective tactics for boosting productivity and improving job satisfaction.

  1. Reflect. A study out of Harvard Business School found that people were able to boost performance by taking 15 minutes at the end of their days to reflect on that day’s work.

  2. Communicate better. You can significantly improve work relationships by taking the time to walk across the office for face-to-face conversations instead of relying on emails.

  3. Focus on your strengths. Instead of spending valuable time and energy on tasks that aren't part of your natural aptitude, channel this energy on goals that involve your core strengths.

  4. Adjust your attitude. Morale can have a big impact on work performance. Try focusing on positive aspects of your work with an eye toward increasing your gratitude.
  5. Be all there. Research suggests that mindfulness results in better job performance. Try to block out unrelated issues and focus on the task at hand.

  6. Fuel your day. Alter your diet to incorporate low-glycemic foods, which provide steady streams of energy. Avoid sugary foods which can cause you to crash.

  7. Don't dwell. When we ruminate over failures and disappointments, we diminish our abilities to effectively move forward and accomplish future goals.

  8. Start a career journal. Jot down new ideas, key contacts and inspirational thoughts, so you can tap these valuable resources when needed.

  9. Step out of your comfort zone. Embrace new challenges and opportunities. Don't let doubt and inexperience prevent you from moving on a potential lead.

  10. Make good use of your time. Delegate tasks to your in-house staff and consider offloading tedious work to contractors and other off-site professionals.

  11. Network. Take advantage of any opportunity to cultivate relationships even if they appear to have little to do with your specific market.

  12. Respond and don't react. Many times, we react to situations without gathering all the relevant information. Wait until you know all the facts and then respond accordingly.

  13. Look at obstacles as opportunities. You never know how a problem might indirectly lead to positive long-term outcomes. Try to view challenges as catalysts for growth.

  14. Chip away. Take little steps every day toward your goals. Small actions can add up over time and bring you closer to the ultimate prize.

  15. Create rituals. Research into behavior psychology suggests that people are more successful when they create daily rituals that support long-term goals.

  16. Continue learning. Seize every opportunity to learn new skills. Get involved, read, ask questions and engage in conversation.

Creating Balance

The most successful people master the art of combining education, career and leisure. Don't spend all your time at work, or your performance is likely to suffer. A balanced, well-rounded life involves friends, family and work. Make time for the important people in your life and leave room for rest, diet and downtime, so you can attack each day with a fresh, energized perspective.