10 Employee Appreciation Day Rewards and Ideas

10 Employee Appreciation Day Rewards and Ideas

Ways to Show Your Employees They’re Appreciated

Employees are the workhorses of your company and deserve recognition for all they do. Celebrate your employees this March 7th for Employee Appreciation Day. Not sure what to do for you employees? Here are ten employee appreciation ideas.

Celebrating Your Employees

1. Say Thank You: Verbally in front of their peers, with sticky notes on computers or in halls, or even via a company-wide email: You can say thank you any way you want – just be sure to say it.

2. Staff Lunch: Take all of your employees out to a lunch place of their choice, or order a special lunch and take over a conference room. Get to know your employees better by making the rounds and talking to each.

3. Special Treats: While most small businesses can’t offer their employees a spa day or a day trip somewhere, you can still treat your staff to show your appreciation of a job well done. Offer gift certificates to local businesses, i.e. nail salons, fitness centers, gift shops, etc.

4. Swap a Task: As a boss, you often don’t know all that your employees do on a day-to-day basis. Offer to take on their least favorite task for the day. Your employee will be happy that you understand their pain.

5. Coffee for Everyone: You’ve probably seen your employees go out for coffee on numerous occasions. Invite everyone out for a special caffeine drink, and pick up the tab.

6. Awards: Everyone has a special skill or asset that they bring to the workplace. Acknowledge it with personally-made certificates – but make it fun. For example, Sally may get the award for the Best Decorated Office while Jim will be awarded Best Dressed. Have a little award ceremony. Make it even more fun: Have your employees vote on the nominees.

7. Office Field Day: We all remember field day from elementary school. Give your employees a half day off, and head out to the local park or even the outside break area. Break up your staff into teams, and let them compete for fun prizes. You’ll combine some Appreciation Day fun with team building.

8. Summer Fun: Most people are tired of being stuck indoors, especially during winter. Let your employees take their minds off of the cold, dreary days outside with an indoor BBQ of hot dogs and hamburgers. Decorate the office with a summer theme: beach balls, baseball, flowers and fresh fruit.

9. Companywide Gift: You’ve heard the grumblings about your employees wanting a new coffeemaker, air hockey table or even a better-stocked break room. Get your employees that special “toy” they’ve been wanting.

10. Early Release: Probably best of all, let your employees go home early and enjoy some time with their family. They’ll come back the next day ready to work harder for you.

Just remember: Whatever you do, let your employees know that they are important to the business and to you.