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Short Term Office Rental for Short Term Projects

Get the expert help you need, whenever you need it — no headaches or hassles included

Short Term Office Rental for Short Term Projects

With commercial office space increasingly expensive and impractical, business owners and entrepreneurs are looking for short-term office solutions where they aren’t locked into long, risky commercial leases.

These types of arrangements work well for businesses that need office space for short-term projects. Let’s take a look at a few scenarios where entrepreneurs are taking advantage of short-term office rental.  

A startup business owner wants to legitimize her company to investors.

A young business owner, Jessica, is confident in her product, but a lack of capital has confined her company headquarters to a small desk in the bedroom of her apartment. She has a few potential investors, but inviting them to her apartment or a crowded coffee shop hasn’t worked well in recent weeks.

Jessica needs an affordable solution that gives her business credibility and promotes her professionalism. She books a meeting room for two hours at Intelligent Office through the company website. Meeting rooms are equipped with modern office equipment, including projectors, conference-ready phones, conference tables and seating, and whiteboards.

Her potential investors are warmly greeted by Intelligent Office staff, who offer them water, coffee, or tea. She welcomes them into the meeting room, where she’s prepared to make her presentation. With her potential investors’ full attention, Jessica is able to confidently convey her passion for the future of her business without overpaying for office space.

An HR director is looking for an appropriate setting for a job interview.

Michael is the HR director for a local hospital. He needs to hire a new employee in the IT department and will be hosting interviews over the next couple of weeks. This isn’t a new task for Michael, but he knows he needs to modify his process.

He scheduled the last round of interviews to be held in the hospital. While he wants the employee to be able to work in a potentially hectic environment, he understands it isn’t fair to candidates to interview in such conditions. Instead of interviewing in the hospital, Michael books an executive office suite at Intelligent Office for four hours on Tuesday of next week.

Michael greets the first candidate and welcomes them into a private office. The office environment at Intelligent Office is a comfortable combination of professional and pressure-free. This allows Michael and the candidates to accurately showcase their personality and competence, so both can make the best decisions for themselves.

It’s tax season, and a CPA needs to go into hyperdrive to handle his workload.

Every accountant is familiar with the anxiety of an approaching tax season. Between January 1 and April 15, clients will be handing over their financial documents, expecting you to accurately decipher, prepare, and submit ther tax returns without error.

Brett, a local CPA, is experienced with the process and handles returns for ten clients. He’s able to handle this workload because of his reliable routine. Ever year, he reserves a meeting room for five hours at the Intelligent Office in his area. He meets with each client for a half hour to build a relationship, gather documents, and ask questions.

At the end of the day, he has all of the required documents and information. Brett handles the more difficult accounts while hiring virtual assistants to process less complicated paperwork. Our virtual assistants, known as Intelligent Assistants, are trained and experienced working with a variety of tax and finance professionals, allowing Brett to save time and limit stress.

Short-term office rental is becoming the norm as savvy entrepreneurs and experienced professionals take advantage of the low-cost, high-efficiency business solution. Contact an Intelligent Office location in your area for your next short-term project.

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